Choose Sustainable, Fast and Secure Hosting for WordPress
and WooCommerce
Choose Sustainable, Fast and Secure Hosting for WordPress and WooCommerce

in mind. te , tech , environment
Give your site the home it deserves: green, safe, and high-performance.
With state-of-the-art infrastructure, dedicated support and advanced tools, we guarantee you speed, reliability and sustainability. Advanced extensions and expert support are always at your service to offer you hosting optimized for WordPress and WooCommerce, without compromising on security and performance.
Who else offers you plugins and support included in the hosting offer? This is no joke.
Only with OxygenWP will you get free, highly specialized plugins for WordPress and WooCommerce built into the offer.
Don't believe it? Find out here
Make your site sustainable
How, it's simple:
- Choose your plan from Start, Zen, Power or Custom
- Migrate your site or build it in our green hosting
- Get assistance whenever you need it
- Make your site even more complete by choosing from the plugins included in the offer
- Receive the sustainability badge
- Share it on your website or social media by writing #oxygenwp

Make your site fast
How many seconds does it take to load your pages? Give us a listen, and optimize your site's performance with OxygenWP.
Plesk Panel
An intermediary who gives your clients priority.
Litespeed Server
For gold medal page performance.
Cloud backup
For immediate data restoration.
Make your site secure
How do you protect your website from cyber attacks?
Start doing it the right way
- CDN connection to have a secure and reliable content distribution network
- Imunify360 security, the shield for total protection of your site
- Cloud backup, so your data is kept safe at all times.
A green digital home full of benefits
OxygenWP offre soluzioni WordPress pensate per crescere insieme a te, con un occhio di riguardo alla sostenibilità. <br>Grazie a un team di esperti pronti a intervenire rapidamente, supportiamo il tuo progetto con tecnologia, design e performance. Scopri come possiamo rendere il tuo sito veloce, sicuro ed eco-sostenibile.